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Certificate management

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KTNET, an officially designated e-B/L title registry by Ministry of Justice in Korea, issues certificates to customers for safe and trustworthy e-B/L services.

You can apply by clicking the ¡°Apply online¡± button.

The agreement of individual certificate use between the certificate holer and e-B/L title registry

How to apply for certificate services

  1. SETP 1_Click the apply button below, enter the required information and print the application.
  2. SETP 2_Submit the application and required documents within the registration period.
  3. SETP 3_Your certificate will be issued after following the instructions of the registration authority.(download and install)

Required documents

The certificate serves as a seal or official unique ID card. As a certificate issued by a certification organization designated by the government, you must submit the required documents to the registration authority and verify your identity.

Certificate fees

certificate fees
certificate fees
Type Certificate fee (VAT added separately) Term of validation
Certificate for electronic trade KRW 50,000 1 year Apply
Universal certificate for electronic trade KRW 100,000 1 year Apply

The agreement of individual certificate use between the dertificate holder and e-B/L title registry

Areas that use certificates for electronic trade

Areas that use certificates for electronic trade
Areas that use certificates for electronic trade
KTNET Electronic trade portal www.utradehub.or.kr
The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry Issuance of the certificate of origin Cert.korcham.net
Korea Strategic Trade Institute Strategic trade portal www.yestrade.or.kr
Korea Customs Service UNIPASS Portal.customs.go.kr
Small and Medium Business Corporation Export support center www.exportcenter.go.kr
Electronic civil complaints of other export and import related organizations