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e-B/L issue

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e-B/L issue through e-B/L Korea

  • Trade companies registered with e-B/L Korea can electronically receive and manage an e-B/L issued by shipping companies or freight forwarders.
  • The carrier can issue an e-B/L and request registration and archiving to the registration authority in order to have the e-B/L possess legal force.
  • The original copy of the issued e-B/L will be preserved in the electronic document archive, and tasks including transfer or purchase request attachment can be processed electronically since the ownership of the e-B/L is properly managed.

Flow chart

 1. Transfer shipping request > 2. Transfer shipping request > 3. Receive shipping request > 4. e-B/L issue > 5.  Transfer the e-B/L > 6. Electronic signatures verifies > 7. Records ownership information,requests archiving > 8. Notify e-B/L archiving and registration > 9. Receives archiving and registration

Service descriptions


  • Trading companies and shippers wanting to use the e-B/L services can visit www.eblkorea.or.kr to become a member by registering company information

Transmission of shipment requests

  • The shipper can deliver the shipment request to the carrier
  • Shipment requests can be made online through the electronic trade services of Utradehub (www.utradehub.or.kr)

e-B/L issue

  • The carrier can request the issuance and registration of an e-B/L to the registration authority and have this archived in the E-title registry
  • The original copy of the e-B/L can be safely archived by the registration authority and ownership of the shipper can be managed through the registry
  • e-B/L issue and archived/registration information will be notified to the shipper and carrier

e-Signature verification

  • The electronic signature of the carrier will be verified to ensure the security of the e-B/L, non-repudiation, and e-B/L details

Encryption of e-B/L data

  • The carrier can strengthen security by choosing to selectively encrypt the e-B/L data.

e-B/L ownership management

  • Registration ownership is comprehensively managed when an e-B/L is issued
  • Ownership transfer to transferee when transferring e-B/L is handled smoothly
  • Closing of ownership when delivering or completing redemption of goods is handled smoothly
  • Ownership changes are handled securely and duplicate use of e-B/L's is prevented when requesting changes, transfers, or delivery

Safekeeping in the document archive

  • Original copies of issued e-B/L's are securely and accurately archived
  • Preservation period of e-B/L-related records is set (10 years)