> What e-B/L is > How to use e-B/L services >view records of e-B/L issue
View records of e-B/L issue that was converted to a paper B/L
The holder of an e-B/L that was converted to a paper B/L can inquire the issuance of the B/L to the registration authority.
The holder can visit the e-B/L website (www.eblkorea.or.kr) and enter the unique issuance number and B/L number to check if the B/L had been issued properly.
Flow chart
Service descriptions
Convert an e-B/L to a paper B/L
The owner of the e-B/L can apply for conversion to a paper B/L and receive the original copy
Transference of a paper B/L
You can transfer the ownership of the B/L due to transfer or purchase of the export bill
View B/L issuance information
The holder of the paper B/L can inquire the issuance information using the e-B/L Korea services website (www.eblkorea.or.kr)
Go to the homepage and enter the unique issuance number and B/L number to view the issuance of the paper B/L